Sunday, May 2, 2010


Is your computer affected by autorun.inf pendrive
or removable media virus?Panda Research Blog. has found a way to kill autorun windows virus, Panda USB Vaccine See a negative effect because the autorun facility of windows is often used as the spread of the virus, Panda program to make simple (free / free) but powerful enough to prevent the virus to create the file autorun.inf, this program is called the Vaccine USB Panda

This is likely to see them after merebaknya worm W32/Conficker, W32/sality, W32/virut and the like.

I also had to make a simple program (Super Autorun), but the only effective way to drive / USB with NTFS file system, and itupun may still be deleted by the virus (although it is not easy :) ) )

Slightly different from the Super Autorun, making autorun.inf Folder, USB Panda Vaccine will create the Autorun.inf file also can not be in the edit, rename, delete or modify. So that the virus will not spread through the autorun.inf file


Two main functions in this application:

* Computer Vaccination , namely to give the vaccine computer (PC) in an effort to enable disable windows autorun facility. USB Flashdisk/CD/DVD drive .So there is no program of Flashdisk USB / CD / DVD drive can run itself (automatically) without user interaction.Computers that have to be "vaccine", the vaccine can be eliminated with this program as well.
* USB Vaccination, this facility will give the "vaccine" (create a autorun.inf file that can not be in the edit, rename, delete the software, although as with unlocker) in USB Flash Drive (Flashsdisk). That way the virus will not spread (automatically) through the intermediary autorun.inf with Flash, and Flash can still be used as usual.

Note: Nevertheless, the virus can still copy (reproduce itself) in the flash, just can not walk (spread) automatically using autorun.inf.Besides the need to remember also that if the vaccine has been given, then Flashdisk can not be returned to the previous situation (without the vaccine), except with the format in the back.
Use of the Vaccine USB Command Line

For users who have experienced / expert (advanced), USB Panda Vaccine can be run with the command line.For example, used to run a USB Vaccine automatically when booting, giving the vaccine in the computer. Input parameters are as follows:

USBVaccine.exe [ A|B|C…|Z ] [ +system|-system ] [ /resident [/hidetray] ]

[drive unit]: Vaccinate drive unit
+ system: Computer vaccination
-system: Remove computer vaccination
resident: Start the program and prompt for hidden vaccinating every new drive
hidetray: tray icon hides when used with the / resident command

For example,
to give the vaccine a USB Flash drive F: \ and G: \ can use the command:
USBVaccine.exe FG
To give a vaccine computer, with the command
USBVaccine.exe +system

To give vaccine to computer and displays information when a new drive, without the display icon in system tray, can use the following command:

USBVaccine.exe /resident /hidetray +system

With this last command, and created shortcuts in the start-up folder (with or without parameter / hidetray) then booting the computer, USB Vaccine will be automatically run and will give the vaccine and the computer displays a confirmation to if there is a vaccine Flashdisk (USB drive) to install the new and therein idak have the vaccine.

Panda USB Vaccine running on Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP1-SP3 and Windows Vista SP0-SP1.This application does not need to install, run it directly, and measuring only about 392 KB.

Panda USB and AutoRun Vaccine

click here to start download of autorun.inf virus removal software Panda usb vaccine from


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